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In-Vehicle Technology Is Revolutionising The Driver Experience

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The driver experience is a crucial factor to consider in fleet management. However it's one often gets overlooked. Drivers spend most of their work day behind the wheel, fussing with everyday tasks and interacting with dispatchers. The quality of the intercommunication is not always satisfactory, which can make or break how drivers feel about their job or company and greatly impact fleet morale.

GPS fleet tracking companies are introducing in-vehicle solutions, such as app suites and tools, to help automate driver tasks and boost efficiency. That's not an easy feat to achieve. Nonetheless, these tools are designed to assist drivers in tackling a time-consuming to-do list in a matter of minutes. Manually completing forms or gathering customer detail becomes a thing of the past with digital forms and features. Things like clear navigation, routing and two-way messaging allow drivers the focus and stability needed to meet business expectations, empowering them to revolutionise how they experience their job and help strengthen a fleet's performance.

A big idea behind this technology is that drivers who have access to in-vehicle technology are more likely to have a positive experience, which improves turnover rates and helps attain a work-life balance.

With this in mind, Navman Wireless has launched a next generation in-vehicle fleet tracking, navigation and two-way messaging device, the M-Nav 950. The M-Nav 950 works with the in-vehicle tracking unit, connecting it via the Telstra Mobile Network or Iridium satellite communication network to the back office. Along with the new hardware, Navman Wireless launches Drive, a comprehensive suite of applications built to enhance driver efficiency, productivity and safety.

The power behind these app suites and driver-friendly in-vehicle displays can go a long way in retaining the loyalty and dedication that businesses seek when hiring drivers. Introducing an app suite like Drive can dramatically improve a driver's workday contribution, helping fleets stay positive and strong year-round.


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