They also produce toxic carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere contributing to the largest share of greenhouse gases that are associated with global warming.
Using telematics, you're able to save somewhere between 5-20% on distance travelled. By taking an average of 7%, Teletrac Navman's solutions have helped save 1,250,000 tonnes of carbon emissions annually along with 476.9 million litres of fuel worldwide. This also equates to a $615 million (AUD) saving on fuel costs every year.
With CO2 emissions increasing by 75% since 1990 in the transport sector, there is the opportunity to not only help do your part in saving the environment but see real business efficiencies and cost reductions. So what can you do? The following infographic puts into perspective exactly how much CO2 is pumped into the atmosphere and how leveraging technology can help to reduce your carbon footprint.